Anti-virus protection service
Endpoint malware prevention and management
Why choose the GSIT Anti-virus Protection Service?
An enterprise-grade service that helps secure your business by providing accurate and effective endpoint malware prevention and management that keeps all users and devices safe.
Zero day malware and APT prevention
Dwell time alerts for a fast response
Fast scans that won't impact system performance
Always protected
High-performance Endpoint Malware Prevention and Management
The GSIT Anti-virus Service is a multi-layer defence that begins with two simple assumptions:
- Every endpoint is potentially already infected by unknown malware.
- Threats can arise at any time, in any form, at any place.
Further protection is provided by a smart system-monitoring and application-aware firewall which manages and monitors all outbound traffic, reducing the danger of “phone-home” threats and ensuring only policy-approved applications communicate with the network.
A central portal provides comprehensive alerts, reports and real-time threat management information, enabling IT departments to respond speedily to issues, the instant they arise. User, website and application risk data also provide a valuable foundation for developing proactive risk mitigation policies and strategies.
Delivered via the cloud and supported by multiple data centres, GSIT Anti-virus Protection Service provides 24/7 business monitoring and protection. Designed for maximum flexibility, endpoints and devices can be added, changed or removed as needed. At all times, you only pay for the services you use.